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How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost?

Inserting dental crowns is a common procedure that dentists perform regularly. But how much do dental crowns cost? Here is what influences price, how to save money in the long run, and how to best avoid dental crowns all together.

In my last post, I explained the nuts and bolts of dental crowns. I understand it can be burdensome to replace your original tooth with a dental crown. And I know the price tag attached to one is not something to be thrilled about, either.

A dental crown is certainly an investment, but its purpose is to protect your weaker natural teeth. This is why I advise my patients to envision the bigger picture. Refusing a dental crown means a weak tooth may decay further, leading to pain and a plethora of health issues.

Missing your healthy, properly functioning teeth can really impact your life. Just think about how your teeth allow you to chew, speak and smile.

Because I want my patients and readers to be as healthy as possible, let’s talk about how to avoid this procedure in the first place.

Causes and Prevention

A dental crown is needed when your tooth’s structure is not stable enough to support the tooth’s functionality. This occurs when a tooth:

  • Needs support to remain in one piece after becoming worn down or weak from dental decay
  • Is broken, missing or severely worn down
  • Requires a dental implant
  • Needs a dental bridge
  • Is disfigured or discolored (from enamel erosion, for example)
  • Undergoes a cosmetic surgery

All of these occurrences are typically a result of dental decay, gum disease, or bruxism (grinding your teeth). You can avoid these by taking good care of your original teeth, and in most cases early detection and prevention is key.

Price Influences

There are a number of factors that can influence the price of your dental crown:

Crown material. The price of your crown will vary depending on the type of crown you choose. All-porcelain crowns are typically more expensive than gold crowns, and gold crowns cost more than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.

I advise you to talk with your dentist to see which option is best for you.

For instance, if you want to replace a front tooth, a porcelain crown may be best, as they are the most aesthetically pleasing. For a molar, a gold crown may be best, as they are the strongest and least likely to crack or break.

Insurance. Depending on your situation, your insurance may cover a portion of the crown’s cost. Talk to your insurance company to explore options. To be certain of insurance coverage you can request a pre-authorization for the crown before the procedure to guarantee a percentage of coverage by your provider. This process is helpful, but may take 4-6 weeks to get the pre-approval from insurance.

Procedure. I do not charge depending on whether you are replacing a molar or an incisor. However, some dentists might. This could influence the price of your crown.

Geographic location. The price of your crown can depend on what area of the country you live in. The cost of shipping from the dental lab can vary depending on your dentist’s proximity to it.

Here are some tips to keep your crown healthy and functioning:

  • Wear a night guard. A night guard may be needed if a patient cracked or broke his or her original teeth due to clenching or grinding them at night. This will protect the investment the patient put into the crown, and the crown from cracking or breaking.
  • Develop good habits. There are a number of good habits you should develop to ensure your crown remains in place and healthy.
    • Stop chewing ice. It is a recipe for cracked and broken teeth.
    • Avoid chewy or sticky foods. Foods like caramel or chewing gum, especially when you have a temporary crown, may take the temporary crown off.
    • Wear your night guard. This is especially true if you have bruxism, chewing or grinding issues.
  • Keep good hygiene. Take care of your crowns just as you would any other tooth. Brush twice per day, floss once per day, and use mouthwash.

Additionally, schedule regular dental appointments to make sure your crowns are in good shape.

While dental crowns may be an investment, it is up to you to take good care of them to avoid the pitfalls of extra costs down the line. Always talk to your dentist about material options to find the best fit for your needs and desires.

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