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Tips to Keep Your Gums Great

When most people think about dental hygiene, they likely think about their teeth. While they are in fact important, your teeth aren’t the only thing you should focus on. Your gums play a major role in both your dental health and overall health. When you visit us for a dental checkup, we examine your gums to check for potential issues – and you should do the same!

Here are a few things you may not know about your gums!

There is such a thing as brushing too much.

It’s a common misconception that brushing harder or brushing more often will make your teeth cleaner. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Your gums are strong, but too much wear from excessive or rough brushing can cause damage. Over time, this can lead to recession and irritation. The best practice is to brush every morning and night for two minutes each time.

There’s a reason you’re supposed to floss every day.

For those who don’t floss regularly, you may notice a bit of blood around your gums when you do. Flossing regularly not only helps reduce plaque around your teeth, but also helps strengthen your gums. If you only floss sporadically, your gums may not be as strong. Down the road, this can result in gum disease or recession. Simply put, it’s best to floss every day!

Bad breath can be a sign of unhealthy gums.

Onions, garlic and other foods can cause bad breath, but your last meal isn’t the only thing that can! Sometimes your gums health can be the source of the problem. In the early stages of gum disease, bacteria can grow between the gums and teeth which can lead to infection. This, in turn, can contribute to bad breath.

Your gums are incredibly important to your health, so you should take great care of them! Whether you’re due for a regular exam or think your gums may need some attention, give us a call to schedule an appointment.

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